GTH High-Temp Fiber Braid Hose

For hydraulic oil lines, heavy-duty transmission oil cooler lines and glycol anti-freeze solutions.


GTHX High-Temp Fiber Spiral Hose

For hydraulic oil lines, heavy-duty transmission oil cooler lines and glycol anti-freeze solutions


M500 Wire Braid Hose

For pilot lines, grease lines and pressure return lines, 500 psi or less pressure applications.

M500 XTF

M500 Wire Braid Hose with XtraTuff™ Cover

For pilot lines, grease lines and pressure return lines, 500 PSI or less pressure applications.


GMV Global MegaVac® Suction Hose

For petroleum and water-base hydraulic fluids in suction lines or in low pressure return lines.


RLA 1-Fiber Braid Return Line and Low Pressure Hose

For low-pressure hydraulic oil return lines for general purpose water, glycol antifreeze solutions, conveying diesel fuel, gasoline or air.


RLC 3-Fiber Braid Return Line and Low Pressure Hose

For petroleum-base hydraulic oils, glycol antifreeze, air or water in low pressure fluid transfer or hydraulic system return lines.

MegaTech LOC 1 Fiber Braid High Temp Lock On Hose

MegaTech LOC 1 Fiber Braid High Temp Lock On Hose

Recommended For: High-temperature (149°C) transmission oil cooler lines, pressurised hot oil return lines and turbocharger oil supply lines.

LOC Lock On Hose

LOC 1-Fiber Braid Lock-On Hose

For petroleum-base hydraulic oils, glycol antifreeze compounds, water, engine lubricating oils and air.


LOL Plus Lock-On Fiber Braid Hose

For petroleum-base hydraulic oils, water, glycol antifreeze solutions, engine lubricating oils, and air.

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