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C5C-XH Xtreme™ Heat, Dual-Purpose Hose for Hot Oil and Air Brake Lines
Can be used as flexible connector between frame and axle.
Extra heavy-duty hose designed to fit most air brake systems on trucks, trailers and other heavy equipment.
For air brake hose, high temperature pressurised oil return lines and rotary oil/air compressor lines, engine and transmission coolant lines and lube oil lines.
For pressurised hot oil return lines and rotary oil lines.
For multi-purpose high-pressure, high-temperature, air compressor lines, petroleum-base or phosphate ester hydraulic fluid supply lines.
For pressurised hot oil return lines and rotary oil lines.
For air brake, pressurised hot oil return lines and rotary oil/air compressor lines.
For air brake hose, pressurised hot oil return lines and rotary oil/air compressor lines.
Recommended for high-temperature (149°C) transmission oil cooler lines, pressurised hot oil return lines and turbocharger oil supplies.
Recommended for hydraulic oil lines, heavy-duty transmission oil cooler lines and power steering circuit lines.
For medium pressure hydraulic petroleum-based oil lines in impulse applications, lube oil, air and water in applications such as air brakes, power steering (CAUTION: Intended for heavy-duty commercial vehicle use only), turbocharger oil supplies, tilt cab cylinders, transmission coolant and filtration lines.
Recommended for petroleum-base or phosphate ester fluids, diesel fuels and filtration lines, transmission coolant lines, hot lube oil lines, power steering (CAUTION: Intended for heavy-duty commercial vehicle use only), gasoline and turbocharger oil supplies.
Recommended for on-shore/off-shore and marine diesel fuel and gasoline applications and hot oil lines up to +100°C.
Recommended for air brake hose, power steering (CAUTION: Intended for heavy-duty commercial vehicle use only), fuel filter, engine and transmission coolant lines, and hot (+149°C) lube oil lines.
For air compressor discharge, hot oil and fluids, hot and greasy environments.
For air compressor discharge, hot oil and fluids, hot and creasy environments.