Hydraulic & Industrial Hose Date Codes

Date codes are used to identify at which Gates plant the product was manufactured and to determine when the product was produced.

Below is an example of how to read Gates hose date codes.

Date code :       AA MMDDYY
Where :       AA :     Manufacturing Plant, i.e., 

BL = Belgium

IO = Iola, USA 

AM = Mexico 

GL = Galesburg, USA
MM:  Month 

DD:    Day 

YY:    Year


IO – Produced in Iola 091307 – 13th September 2007

Hose Shelf Life

Please note: Storage environment, along with rubber materials can vary the shelf life limit. Shelf life is difficult to quantify as many variables affect the hose. Proper storage precautions can result in three to five years shelf life. Beyond this time there can be a significant service life decrease, depending on storage environment variables.

Gates recommends hose in extended storage be visually inspected and tested prior to use. Hose judged marginal should be replaced to avoid potential failure, property damage or bodily injury. Store hose on a first-in/first-out basis. Unusually long storage, or poor storage environment can deteriorate hose, reduce performance and may lead to premature failure.

Should additional information be required, please contact Gates Customer Service on +61 3 9797 9688.

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