Quiet, Grease-Free Carbon Drive™ Solutions for Bikes

The Bicycle Has Met Its Perfect Match!

  • No more dropped chains
  • Quieter and longer lasting than chains
  • Grease and oil free means no marks on your pants

To find a dealer or to learn more, contact Gates.

Power Ahead with Gates Carbon Drive Cycling Solutions

The trusty bicycle chain has done every cyclist well, we at Gates wanted to not only improve cycling—we wanted to revolutionise it. So we created the Gates Carbon Drive. The Carbon Drive makes everyday cycling better, easier and more accessible. It provides the smooth ride cyclists want, without some of the downsides of the traditional bike chain. It’s stronger, quieter and requires less maintenance. It’s grease-free, oil-free and hassle-free. It won’t leave any marks on your pants and you’ll never have to pull over to fix a dropped chain. Come to think of it, revolutionary might not even do it justice.

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