APC-026 Cotton Ginning Trash Conveyor Drive

Cotton ginning drive operated now for two seasons with zero maintenance or lubrication requirements.

End Market Industry  
Cotton Ginning

Trash Conveyor Drive 
11kW @ 244pm 

Original Components 
Chain = 16B duplex roller chain 
DriveR Sprocket = 32 Tooth 
DriveN Sprocket = 32 Tooth 70mm wide

Cotton Gin Poly Chain GT Carbon Conveyor

See more at www.GatesAustralia.com.au/CaseStudies

The drive environment is very dusty and fibrous causing ongoing issues with lubrication and shortened chain life and sprocket wear. The roller chain was not lasting a full ginning season leading to downtime and lost production.

Solution Description
Belt = 14MGT-2310-68 Poly Chain® GT™ Carbon™
DriveR Sprocket = 48 Tooth
DriveN Sprocket = 48 Tooth
68mm wide

Poly Chain GT Carbon Belt Cutaway

Benefits of Gates Product

Poly Chain® GT Carbon™ drives require no lubrication so don’t attract the dust and cotton fibres which makes it the ideal alternative. The new Poly Chain® GT™ Carbon™ drive has now operated for two seasons with zero maintenance requirements.

Submitted by: Neil Thomson

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