APC-005 Vacuum Truck Drive Design

Vacuum pump with short shaft lengths and low bearing loads requiring a non-slip drive solution.

End Market Industry  

Waste Management

Vacuum Truck
133kW @ 3000rpm
Required a non-slip positive drive solution.

Waste Management Vacuum Truck Poly Chain GT Carbon Belt Drive Design

See more at www.GatesAustralia.com.au/CaseStudies

New Drive Challenge
The belts operate at full power with various loads coming back through the drive due to the density of the aggregate coming up through the vacuum hose. Short shaft lengths and low bearing loads were the design criteria.

Solution Description
Belt = 14MGT-3136-90 Poly Chain® GT™ Carbon™
DriveR Sprocket = 40 Tooth
DriveN Sprocket = 90 Tooth

Poly Chain GT Carbon Belt Cutaway

Benefits of Gates Product

The Poly Chain® GT Carbon™ drive was designed at only 90mm wide, the narrowest drive option available within the industry.
Low shaft loads and a narrow sprocket design meant this solution was specified in future design drawings for new builds. Due to carbon fibre tensile cords this drive is zero stretch with zero maintenance.
When large loads transmit back through the drive, the non-slip Poly Chain® belt keeps driving.

Submitted by: Gene Halden

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