ADTR-012 Paper Mill Rechipper

Belts stretching and burning causing fires in re-chipper, Predator® solves excessive belt slip. 

End Market Industry  
Paper Mill

110kW @ 1485rpm

Original Components 
Belts = 10 x SPB3750 Challenge V-belts
DriveR Pulley = 10/SPB280
DriveN Pulley = 10/SPB650

Paper Mill Predator Rechipper Drive

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The existing belts were stretching, slipping and only lasting 2 months. A blockage in the chipper had caused the belts to slip severely and ignited sawdust beneath the drive starting a fire.

Downtime costs are $30,000 per hour.

Solution Description
Belt = 10 x SPC3750P Predator® V-belts
DriveR Pulley = 10/SPB280
DriveN Pulleys = 10/SPB650

Predator Belt Cutaway

Benefits of Gates Product

Predator® belts were installed and lasted 12 months without any maintenance or retension required. The bare back cover of the Predator® belts allow them to slip during blockages without burning or damaging the belts.

With belt changes taking approximately 2 hours per set, the potential downtime costs saved is $300,000 per year.

Submitted by: Gene Halden

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