Formerly Adapta Flex™ Hose
(Specification 3204EB, 3204SB)
RECOMMENDED FOR: Air and water applications requiring maximum flexibility in any industry, including mining, construction, Air and water applications requiring maximum flexibility in any industry, including mining, construction, agriculture, vehicle repair and in-plant operations. Outstanding resistance to heat and ozone. Suitable for light agricultural spraying, such as dilute solutions of herbicides.
TEMPERATURE: -40°C to +93°C continuous service.
CONSTRUCTION: Tube: Type P (EPDM). Black.
Reinforcement: Synthetic, high tensile textile cord.
Cover: Type P (EPDM). Black. All sizes through 1/2" are perforated.
Design Factor: 3:1
COUPLINGS: 19 (up through 1/2" only), 1, 3 or 4, (up through 1/2" with 20 brass ferrules, up through 1" with bands), 72 Gates Power Crimp® or 75 Gates GLX®. Reference the Hose Coupling Section.
PACKAGING: Exact length reels: 152m in one continuous length.
Minimum of 90% of hose reels will be 1-piece lengths.
1/4" through 3/4": Packaged in 152m to 213m reels. Maximum 2 pieces in 15m increments.
3/8" x 15m coupled assemblies: Coiled in a carton, 5 assemblies per carton.
3/4" x 15m: Packaged 61 per carton, each length coiled and tied.
1": Packaged in 91m to 122m reels. Maximum 2 pieces in 15m increments.
1 1/4": Packaged in 91m reels. Maximum 2 pieces in 15m increments.
1 1/2": Packaged in 76m reels. Maximum 2 pieces in 15m increments.
BRANDING: Continuous ink brand. Example: “Gates® Ag Master® 300 Multi-Purpose 3/8 Inch (9.5mm) 250 psi (1.72MPa) WP Made in USA”
SPECIAL ORDER REQUIREMENTS: Special production runs require minimum order quantities of 7620 meters per size.
STANDARDS: Tube: ARPM (Class C) Limited oil resistance.
Cover: ARPM (Class C) Limited oil resistance.