Convert from Roller Chain to Belts and Save Up to $300,000
- Legacy roller chains cost your business up to $200 per minute in downtime
- Up to 55% of labor hours in beverage operations are schedule for preventive maintenance
- Slipping V-belts on AC and dehumidification units are costing you up to $1,051 per year
See how Gates can increase your operation's uptime.
Small Inefficiencies Add Up to Major Hidden Expenses
Having the right equipment in place at your bottling facility saves maintenance and energy costs and virtually eliminates the biggest drain on profits – downtime. Outfitting Gates components can greatly increase your margins, giving you the ability to increase profits or compete more effectively for new business. That’s how Gates powers progress for beverage operations.
Put a Stop to the Downtime That Is Draining Your Profits
From tough Poly Chain® GT® Carbon™ synchronous belt drive systems to Food Master® hoses, Gates top-quality products and unsurpassed support will be your best investment.
Connect with a Gates representative to discuss you belt drive needs.
Access our "Beverage Facility Bottleneck: Extensive Maintenance" infographic to find out how you can avoid expenses in your facility. Gates synchronous belt drives require no greasy lubrication and are virtually maintenance-free.