AQP-027 Allied Timber Products - Timber Cutting Saws

Allied Timber Products Saved Over $50,000 p.a with Gates Quad-Power 4 V-Belts.

End Market Industry  
Timber Processing

Timber Cutting Saws x 8

Original Components 
Fenner V-belts 
Belts = 3 x SPA 1600 
Pulleys = 3/SPA132 & 3/SPA 00

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A timber sawmill was going through 100-150 v-belts per year (belts averaging 4-6 week lifespan) on their 8 x timber cutting saws at a cost of $50,000 in belts plus downtime to replace them.

Solution Description
Belts = Gates Quad-Power 4 V-belts - 3 x XPA1600
Pulleys = 3.SPA132 & 3/SPA 00

Benefits of Gates Product

  • Gates Quad-Power 4 v-belts have lasted a
  • 12-month trial without needing replacement
  • Customer is saving $50,000+ per year
  • Downtime reduced and productivity has increased

Submitted by: Rosynes Hernandez

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