End Market Industry
250hp @ 1440rpm
Original Components
Belts = 6x C180 V-Belts
DriveR Pulley = SPC385/6
DriveN Pulley = SPC800/6

See more at www.GatesAustralia.com.au/CaseStudies
When the drive bogged down the V-belts did not have the ability to cope. The belts would slip under these high load conditions and eventually fail.
A higher performing and lower maintenance option was requested.
Solution Description
Belt = 14MGT-3290-68 Poly Chain® GT™ Carbon™
DriveR Sprocket = 56 Tooth
DriveN Sprocket = 112 Tooth

Benefits of Gates Product
The Poly Chain® GT™ Carbon™ belt has easily coped with the shock loads and continues chipping. This drive has been operating for the past 14 months using the one Poly Chain® GT® Carbon™ belt.
No maintenance or re-tensioning has been required.
No production time has been lost since this upgrade was completed.
Submitted by: Gene Halden