AHYD-001 CAT Excavator with Waratah Harvesting and Processor Head

With Gates MegaSpiral® assembly the equipment is now producing 350 tonne of harvested wood per day, 56,000 tonne over 8 months, with zero hydraulic downtime.

End Market Industry  
Forestry – Timber Harvesting

CAT Excavator with Waratah harvesting & processor head. Used in the most demanding applications; excessive hose bending/flexing whilst under load with frequent pressure spikes.

Original Components 
Hypress branded ¾” SAE 100R13 (5000 psi maximum working pressure) spiral wire reinforced hose; the pressure delivery line to the valve bank on the Waratah processing head.

CAT Excavator with Waratah harvesting  processor head

See more at www.GatesAustralia.com.au/CaseStudies

The original hose failed after 3 months service. The hose tube separated from the reinforcement and washed through the hydraulic control circuit due to the demanding application. The hose failure destroyed the control valve and put the machine out of service. The cost to the company was over $15,000 in production downtime, replacement of damaged components, oil and labour.

Solution Description
Gates recommended a ¾" MegaSpiral® 12EFG6K hose with Global Spiral™ couplings. The 6000 psi hose has superior bend radius (one-half SAE bend radius specification), flexibility and impulse service life; the assembly is designed and tested to 1 million impulse cycles at 133% of maximum working pressure (twice the SAE 100R13 minimum requirement).

MegaSpiral 12EFG6K hose

Benefits of Gates Product

The selected Gates MegaSpiral® assembly has provided longer service life and productivity; the customer’s expectation was 6 months but 8 months (or 1,730 operating hours) has been reached and still no signs of requiring replacement. The equipment is now producing 350 tonne of harvested wood per day, 56,000 tonne over 8 months, with zero hydraulic downtime.

Submitted by: Kent Clark

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