End Market Industry
Copper Mine
Kawasaki cone crusher
220kW @ 960rpm
Original Components
Belts = 8 x SPCX4750 Roulunds Raw-edge V-belts
DriveR Pulley = 8/SPC580
DriveN Pulley = 8/SPC630
See more at www.GatesAustralia.com.au/CaseStudies
A large copper mine was experiencing extremely poor belt life on one of their large Kawasaki crushers. Due to the extremely abrasive dusty environment the raw edge belts would eventually slip and deteriorate. This would also cause excessive wear of the pulley grooves. Belts were only lasting approximately 6 months.
Solution Description
Belts = 8 x SPC4750P Predator® V-belts
DriveR Pulley = 8/SPC580
DriveN Pulley = 8/SPC630
Benefits of Gates Product
The new Predator® belts are designed to handle environments like this without adverse wear.
They have not required retensioning and have been in service for 12 months.
Submitted by: Gene Halden